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liposculpture, Let’s admit it. Even with careful dieting and working hard at the gym, few people genetically have a perfect shape.

Most of us have a tendency to accumulate pockets of fat in undesirable places. In women, this is usually on the inner and outer, or on the upper and lower abdomen. Men, on the other hand, often have spare flesh in the form of 'love handles' or on the chest.

Unlike nonsurgical interventions like cooling and heating techniques to get rid of fatty deposits, our liposculpture procedure/technique gives you instant results that you can see for yourself right in the operating room! You don't need to convince yourself and your friends that there is an improvement. The results are profound and easily appreciated. Unlike other forms of liposuction (like the traditional liposuction which is performed under general anesthesia) , our technique of GV Liposculpture under oral sedation only has an outstanding safety record. Dr. Varkarakis has been performing this surgery for many years without a single significant safety complication. The most successful way to alter our body shape is to selectively remove unwanted fat from selected spots such as on the tummy, back or thighs. Our liposculpture technique using compressed air and nutation produces excellent results with very fast recovery. You can expect some temporary bruising and just 1-2 days off work. The additional skin contracture from the procedure is definitely a bonus.

This revolutionary procedure used by Dr. Varkarakis will safely, effectively and successfully achieve your desired body shape, by removing unwanted body fat. However, liposculpture is not intended as a method for weight loss. It is used as a shaping procedure for areas where hereditary fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise have accumulated. If your weight is not stable or you don’t have the appropriate lifestyle, this is not a good procedure for you and you are not a good candidate. Dr. Varkarakis can give you the shape you want, its up to you to look after your investment. If you put on weight, you may put weight back on in the areas you have had treated or elsewhere. Dr. Varkarakis started doing this this procedure in Miami 5 years ago with the mission to offer the safest and most effective technique in body reshaping but also obtaining the best quality of fat for potential fat grafting. Dr.Varkarakis, a craniofacial plastic surgeon with sincere interest in the best quality fat graft has identified nutational liposuction as one if the scientifically best ways for body contouring in selected patients. Dr.Varkarakis is one of Miami's most experienced practitioner, with a safety record second to none.

Contact us now for a free consultation and see if you are good candidate for Dr.Varkarakis Liposculpture technique.

What is Liposculpture?

Liposculpture is most effective for removing localized fat deposits in areas that do not respond to diet or exercise. Liposculpture is not intended as a substitute for weight loss, but rather is a contouring procedure. It is therefore best utilized in a program of exercise and optimal weight maintenance.

How does Liposculpture work?

Liposculpture is the removal of excess fat with a thin, straw-like instrument called cannula, which is attached to an aspirator machine. Thin micro cannulas with the use of air compression are used to dislodge the fat from its web-like gristle supports under the skin. The aspirator then suctions and removes the fat away. Dr.Varkarakis uses the S.A.F.E steps for his liposuction technique. After the end of the procedure, an elastic garment is then worn to compress the skin on the underlying tissues. The result is a re-sculpting of bulging areas into more attractive contours.

The thin micro cannulas (1-2mm diameter) in conjunction with the nutation forces allow for a more comfortable procedure and a more even result, with less bruising and smaller incision holes.

What happens prior to liposculpture surgery?

Before liposculpture surgery, you'll have a consultation with Dr Varkarakis in which a full medical history is taken and a careful examination conducted to evaluate your condition. During the consultation, Dr Varkarakis will describe the procedure, what results might be realistically expected , and answer any concerns you may have. Your doctor will also review alternative treatment options and explain the possible risks and complications that may occur. Photographs are taken before and after surgery to evaluate the amount of improvement. A complimentary body fat measurement with our STYKU machine is done preoperatively which also allows us to get correct measurements for your garment as well. A prescription for antibiotics is given to commence the day of your procedure. Pain medication and relaxing medication are prescribed as well. Avoid taking any aspirin or aspirin-related products for two weeks prior to surgery.

GV Liposculpture

How is the technique of liposculpture performed?

Our Liposculpture under local anesthesia can be performed in Dr Varkarakis clinic at “The GV Plastic Surgery’, in a safe and beautiful environment. We use local anesthetic (super wet infiltration) to infiltrate the area to be treated with our GV technique for better pain control.

Once the local anesthesia is administered, a small incision is made in the skin and a tube connected to a vacuum is inserted into the fatty layer. Our technique uses air to break the tissues and because of its characteristics it can be done under local anesthesia with the patient being awake. Using nutational movements by the cannula the fat is separated from the surrounding tissues gently without destruction of the tissues (vessels and fascia).That gives the procedure a big safety advantage compared to the other procedures. The fat is drawn through the tube into a collection system which then can be further processed if needed to be used for facial, breast or butt fat augmentation.

This unique method of liposuction enables Dr Varkarakis to remove the appropriate amounts of fat more uniformly, with fewer skin irregularities and less bleeding and bruising.

What happens after the liposculpture treatment?

The local anesthesia injected into the tissue remains for 18-24 hours following liposculpture surgery, greatly minimizing postoperative pain. After liposculpture, patients are usually alert and able to function without nausea, grogginess and the "washed out" feeling associated with general anaesthesia. With the tumescent technique there is minimal bruising and many patients do not require postoperative medication for pain. You can usually return to a desk type job within 48 hours. Physical exercise generally can be resumed three to seven days after liposculpture.

Are there any possible complications?

The GV technique of liposculpture is a remarkably safe procedure if done correctly. Meticulous and careful dosing of lidocaine, appropriate plane of dissection and careful aspiration are important to have quality results.

What are the limitations of liposculpture?

Liposculpture is not intended as a method for weight loss. It is used as a shaping procedure for areas where hereditary fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise have accumulated. The best results from liposculpture occur in body areas where there is reasonable muscle tone, where skin has good elastic quality, and where fat is not excessive. In cases where there is a significant loss of tone and elasticity, superior cosmetic results may require a combination of both liposculpture and surgical skin tightening to remove the excessive loose tissue.

Dr Varkarakis can advise you of the likelihood of the need for additional treatments, depending on the specific condition of your skin.

Common liposculpture side effects

Menstrual irregularities with premature or delayed onset of monthly menstruation are a common side effect of any significant surgery, and are due to the release of oestrogen from the fat. Flushing of the face, neck and upper chest may occur after liposculpture and may last for a day or two. Slight temperature elevation during the first 48 hours after surgery is a natural consequence of the body's reaction to the surgery.

Any fevers or severe pain signifies infection, so you must contact the clinic immediately. You will be supplied with Dr. Varkarakis after-hours numbers- please contact him immediately if you have any concerns.

When to rest and resume normal activity

After liposculpture we advise resting for the first 12 hours, and taking it easy for the first week. You may resume your normal activities as you feel comfortable doing so. If you experience more than mild swelling or discomfort, you may be overdoing it. You can expect to experience swelling in the pubic area, such as the scrotum in males and the labia in females, especially after lower abdominal liposculpture.

Post-operative discomfort usually takes the form of deep muscle tenderness, and in most cases starts on the day following the procedure and improves steadily over the following week. You may experience swelling in your calves and ankles for several months following liposculpture. Remember that the healing process takes 6 months. The final results also will be at 6months since a skin contraction can take few months.

At around 4-6 weeks following the treatment, it is quite common to experience a lumpy sensation in the fat layer. This is just due to healing of the skin, and it resolves again in another 2-3 weeks as the skin goes soft. You may experience "pins and needles" or numb areas on the skin following liposculpture. This is due to bruising of the little nerves due to the procedure, and will resolve, although it can take as long as 6-9 months.

Although you will see 70% of the results straight away in the theatre, you will get some swelling, which starts immediately after the procedure and is part of the healing process. You will see anywhere between 80-90% of the final result 6 weeks following the surgery, but to see the final result, you will need to wait for up to 6 months for the imperceptible contraction of the skin, which slowly occurs.